Customer satisfaction is paramount to us here at RepYourWater. If you are not satisfied with your product please let us know so that we can get you taken care of.
Return information can be found below. If a replacement/exchange item is needed due to size or fit, please place a new order. Open the correct form for your type of return.
For ALL Returns:
- Assure that the original purchase was within 60 days of RepYourWater receiving the package. No returns accepted past 60 days
- Any free gifts with purchase MUST be returned with any refund request to receive full refund.
- All tags are attached and item is in unworn and sellable condition
- Package the item with care. If any item is damaged due to packaging, a fee may be imposed as it will not be sellable.
- Clearance items that are returned are only valid for store credit in gift card form, not a refund. An email will be sent to you with the gift card code for your next purchase.
- Water bottles are not returnable
- All shipping and shipping protection costs are not refundable
- Visit THIS PAGE for our full return policy
We are happy to cover the shipment on a new order, so let us know that you are placing a new order for something you are returning via email and we will get you a free shipping code.
If an item appears to be defective, please email a photo of the issue along with your order number so we can help with the exchange process prior to filling out the form.
Questions? Send us an email at or call us at 303-717-0267