
Conservation and Call to Action

As of October 2023 we have donated $444,511 to our conservation partners. It is our goal to reach $500k by the end of 2025.


Conservation Focused

Since our inception in 2011 we made conservation a key component of our business. Just as our designs started in Colorado, so did our conservation partners. We teamed up with Colorado Trout Unlimited within a few weeks of selling our first hats and the list of products and conservation partners has grown from there. We now donate a portion of every purchase to our conservation partners whether bought from us directly or one of our retailers.

We intend to continue to have a holistic approach to our support of conservation.  We will continue to donate at least 1% of our sales directly to our conservation partners.  We also support many of our conservation partners and smaller organizations through in-kind, or product, donations for their fundraisers.  Additionally, as we continue to be certified as carbon neutral through Climate Neutral, a portion of every sale will go to offsets through their verified carbon credits.  Finally, we will continue to invest time and resources into sustainable materials for our products and sustainable packaging for our products

To date we have donated over $400,000 in cash to our conservation partners.  Additionally we have donated over $100,000 in products  to conservation focused raffles, auctions and events.

Our story
Our mission

Conservation Partners

Our conservation partners are made up of non-profits contributing to policy and on-the-ground work for fisheries and outdoor recreational conservation such as the Trout Unlimited chapters of Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico and the TU Southeastern Conservation Project; Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Chapters of Alaska, Southwest US and Montana; the Wild Steelhead Coalition, Idaho Wildlife Federation, The Bonefish and Tarpon Trust, Driftless Area Restoration Effort, Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture, Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership and the Great Lakes Regional Center of NWF and also to Climate Neutral who certifies our business as Carbon Neutral as we work together towards a solution to the climate crisis.

Calls to Action

We have been working with our conservation partners on spreading their mission through financial donations since the beginning of RepYourWater. Now, through this page you can stay up-to-date with specific action steps such as petitions, pledges or letters to legislators. See below for current calls to action from RepYourWater's conservation partners.

Protect Bristol Bay

Thanks to strong science and grassroots opposition that started in Bristol Bay and permeated communities nationwide, the proposed Pebble mine faced challenges that ultimately led to the denial of its key federal permit in November 2020. Now, we focus on the future. We need your help to secure community-supported, long-term protections so that Pebble- or any other mining company- cannot threaten the people, fish, and fish-based resources of the region again. Please take action today using this form.

Sportsman Pledge

As a North American hunter and angler,I pledge to speak up on behalf of conservation of the clean water, wildlife habitat, sportsman access, and public lands that belong to all of us.I will defend these values against those individuals, organizations and corporations who would sell or transfer our public lands and erode our habitat, opportunity and freedoms.I welcome new sportsmen and women, young and old, and will lead by example.I pledge to leave our wild public lands in better condition than I found them so that future generations can enjoy the benefits we are blessed to have today. 

Angling For All Pledge

The Angling for All Pledge establishes a benchmark for learning and a commitment to addressing racism and inequality in fishing and its industry. In signing the Angling for All Pledge, organizations and individuals commit to:Completion of the Angling for All curriculum. If pledgee is a company, brand or organization completion is required by executive level leadership (CEO, C-Suite, Executive team, HR or Head of Diversity Initiatives, Chair of Board of Directors, and/or other applicable leadership)Creation of and commitment to a plan of action upon completion of Pledge curriculum